Lefa Completes the Comrades Marathon

Hills near Durban

Lefa in our Operations and Risk Team has completed the coveted Comrades Marathon this week in 11 hours 51 minutes – an incredible time for such a difficult race.

The Comrades Marathon is an ultra-marathon race held annually in South Africa. It is one of the oldest and most prestigious ultramarathons in the world. The race covers a distance of approximately 90 kilometers (56 miles) and takes place between the cities of Durban and Pietermaritzburg, alternating the direction each year.

The race attracts thousands of participants from around the world, including elite athletes and recreational runners. It is known for its grueling nature, challenging terrain, and strict time limits. The course includes demanding climbs and descents through the scenic hills of the Kwazulu-Natal province, providing both physical and mental challenges to the runners.

The Comrades Marathon follows a unique tradition known as the “up” and “down” runs. In the “up” run, which takes place from Durban to Pietermaritzburg, runners face a net uphill ascent, while the “down” run features a net downhill descent from Pietermaritzburg to Durban. The alternating routes provide different strategic and physical challenges to the athletes.

Participating in the Comrades Marathon is considered a significant achievement for any runner. The race embodies the spirit of endurance and perseverance, and completing it within the stipulated time earns runners a coveted Comrades medal. The event is also known for its passionate support from spectators lining the course, offering encouragement and cheering on the participants.

Lefa Comrades Marathon 2023

All of us at The Travel Network Group very proud of Lefa for completing the race; we have donated £250 to his chosen charity Senior Citizens Charity Organisation within his family church in South Africa.

Lefa commented “Our Church is called ‘The Old Apostolic Church of Africa’ and has a separate ongoing drive for senior congregants that are struggling. The church helps provide blankets, clothes, shoes and food to the elderly.”

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