Membership Services

Helping you make the most of your membership

The Membership Services Team are about to become your best friends. We are here to help make sure we as an organisation add value to your business throughout your membership. As your first point of contact for your queries, we will always know which direction to point you in, even if we can’t answer your question directly.

Having worked in the industry for as long as we can remember, we are all passionate about helping you develop successful businesses and will do all we can to keep you happy. It’s cheesy, but happy members = happy membership services team. And yes, we really do mean that.   

Set Up Guidance & Processes

Get help setting up your membership through systems training and introduction to our processes

Dedicated Membership Services Manager

Receive personalised support throughout your membership through your very own Membership Services Manager

Regular Engagement & Consultation

Get the most value out of your membership through regular engagements on your business

Helping you make the most of your membership

Whether you are setting up a brand new travel business or are transferring your existing company to us from another travel consortium, the Membership Services Team will help make the transition as smooth as possible. We will invite you to our offices to meet the teams that will add value to your business, as well as introduce you to our systems and processes. We will then be on-hand to answer any and all queries you have about getting your business off the ground.

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