My name is Ann Jones, and I have been the sole owner of Teithiau Menai since 2017. Since then, I have built the business to enable me to employ 3 staff members. Our shop is based in the historic town of Caernarfon and our customers extend throughout the whole of Wales. We pride ourselves in offering our customers a bilingual service, and endeavour to support them to make the right choice of holiday within their budget. In addition, we also support them should they experience any issues whilst abroad on holiday, and will ensure that these issues are dealt with promptly and efficiently to enable our customers to continue to enjoy their time away. Being an established business in the area for over 40 years, the majority of our customers come to us through local knowledge and word of mouth, and we find that these customers return to us year upon year to arrange their holiday.

Mr. George Hills, the previous owner who was my employer at the time, made the decision to join the Global Travel Group as it was located an hour away. He also found that because it was a small consortium, Global were familiar with all their agents, and thus there was a feeling of being part of a wider team, as well as being part of family of like-minded people.
Having had experience myself of being part of Global, which obviously is now a much larger consortium due to The Travel Network Group’s acquisition, I can say that I have received the same level of support, and can say that they understand the way in which our small business functions and is managed.
As a small business, we find that the marketing services benefit us, for example the Supermarket Drop which has increased the numbers of customers which approach us to book their holidays.
Having been part of a smaller consortium, we did find it challenging to adapt to a larger consortium and the familiarity that had been established over the years. However in time, and especially over the last 18 months, we have built up a positive relationship with The Travel Network Group, and feel we receive bespoke support for our particular business and the way in which we manage it. The new contacts we have made with the team, enable us to resolve all issues in an efficient manner.
We hope this positive relationship will flourish and grow in the future, so we become more familiar with the workings of a larger consortium, and likewise them understanding the workings of a small, rural bilingual service that takes pride in the service we offer to all our customers.