Find Your Happy Place Q2 Marketing Campaign

Find Your Happy Place Travel Marketing Campaign Splash Image

The Travel Network Group has announced that their newest marketing campaign, ‘Find Your Happy Place’ is available to their Members as of Tuesday 11th April.

As we head into spring, we want to help our Members capitalise on consumers looking to book their travel plans for 2023 and beyond. 

The new campaign ‘Find Your Happy Place’ focuses on the idea of finding somewhere we can escape from the everyday and find a sense of positivity and connection. This could be a familiar destination where they return to, or a once-in-a-lifetime adventure that’s evoked a feeling of joy. 

For this quarter, The Travel Network Group are creating a more customisable experience by changing sizes of the window material, which will enable Members to use window campaign more effectively and adapt their displays when tying in sales messaging and themed window displays.

Ross East, Group Marketing Director continues, “We are continuing our market-leading work by creating our new campaign across multiple channels, so all Members can use our material. Whether our Members have a physical store front, predominantly use social media, or use all platforms they have available, we will be creating content continuously throughout the quarter that will be available through our internal marketing portal, The Hub.”

Travel Network Group Members can look forward to receiving their next edition of the ‘Where Next?’ Magazine, aimed towards couples and families, Select Magazine, focusing on the luxury and boutique market, as well as two Cruise & Stay magazines – repackaged by the Group’s in-house cruise tour operator.

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